Subnetting Based On Host and Network
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 2300 subnets with up to 2900 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?
Example 2:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 4000 subnets with up to 3700 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?
Example 3:
Given a class B network of, What mask could be used to provide 15 networks each supporting 120 users ?
Example 4:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 90 subnets with up to 300 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?
Example 5:
What mask would you assign to the network ID of if you needed about 100 subnets with about 500 hosts each?
Example 6:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 110 subnets with up to 300 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?
Example 7:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 70 subnets with up to 300 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?
Example 8:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 90 subnets with up to 300 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?
Example 9:
Your network consists of 120 subnets, with a maximum number of 300 hosts per subnet. With a Class B address, which subnet mask will support this network?
Example 10:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 300 subnets with up to 100 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?
Example 11:
If you had a class B address of, which mask would you use to provide a maximum of 220 hosts with more than 190 subnets?
Example 12:
You need to have a Class B network address subnetted into exactly 500 subnets each with about 100 usable host addresses per subnet. What subnet mask would you assign?
Example 13:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 4 subnets with up to 30 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?
Example 14:
You are a network administrator and have been assigned the IP address of You need to have 20 subnets with 5 hosts per subnet. What subnet mask will you use?
Class A
Example 1:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 2300 subnets with up to 2900 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?Solution:
Class A addresses use a default mask of 2900 hosts would need 12 bits of host = 20 bits of network (32- 12 = 20) Subnet Number would be = 24 -12 = 12 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 00000000. 00000000. 00000000 For 2900 hosts, assign twelve 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 11111111. 11111000. 00000000 = 255. 255. 240. 0 Subnet bits = 12 or 12 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^12 = 4096. Host bits = 12 or 12 bits available for host addresses. Hosts = 2^12 - 2 = 4094. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 240. 0
Example 2:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 4000 subnets with up to 3700 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?Solution:
Class A addresses use a default mask of 3700 hosts would need 12 bits of host = 20 bits of network (32 - 12 = 20) Subnet Number would be = 24 - 12 = 12 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 00000000. 00000000. 00000000 For 3700 hosts, assign twelve 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 11111111. 11111000. 00000000 = 255. 255. 240. 0 Subnet bits = 12 or 12 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^12 = 4096. Host bits = 12 or 12 bits available for host addresses. Hosts = 2^12 - 2 = 4094. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 240. 0
Class B
Example 3:
Given a class B network of, What mask could be used to provide 15 networks each supporting 120 users?Solution:
Class B addresses use a default mask of 120 users would need 7 bits of host = 25 bits of network (32 - 7 = 25) Subnet Number would be = 16 - 7 = 9 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 255. 00000000. 00000000 For 120 users, assign seven 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 255. 11111111. 10000000 = 255. 255. 255. 128 Subnet bits = 9 or 9 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^9 = 512. Host bits = 7 or 7 bits available for host addresses. Hosts = 2^7 - 2 = 126. For 15 networks (subnets) and 120 users (hosts), we would assign 255. 255. 255. 128 subnet mask. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 255. 128
Example 4:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 90 subnets with up to 300 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?Solution:
Class B addresses use a default mask of 300 hosts would need 9 bits of host = 23 bits of network (32 - 9 = 23) Subnet Number would be = 16 - 9 = 7 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 255. 00000000. 00000000 For 300 hosts, assign nine 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 255. 11111110. 00000000 = 255. 255. 254. 0 Host bits = 9 or 9 bits available for host addresses. Hosts = 2^9 - 2 = 510. Subnet bits = 7 or 7 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^7 = 128. For 90 subnets and 300 hosts, we would assign 255. 255. 254. 0 subnet mask. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 254. 0
Example 5:
What mask would you assign to the network ID of if you needed about 100 subnets with about 500 hosts each?Solution:
Class B addresses use a default mask of 500 hosts would need 9 bits of host = 23 bits of network (32 - 9 = 23) Subnet Number would be = 16 - 9 = 7 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 255. 00000000. 00000000 For 500 hosts, assign nine 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 255. 11111110. 00000000 = 255. 255. 254. 0 Host bits = 9 or 9 bits available for host addresses. Hosts = 2^9 - 2 = 510. Subnet bits = 7 or 7 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^7 = 128. Number of hosts possible = 510. Number of subnets possible = 128. For 100 subnets and 500 hosts, we would assign 255. 255. 254. 0 subnet mask. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 254. 0
Example 6:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 110 subnets with up to 300 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?Solution:
Class B addresses use a default mask of 300 hosts would need 9 bits of host = 23 bits of network (32 - 9 = 23) Subnet Number would be = 16 - 9 = 7 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 255. 00000000. 00000000 For 300 hosts, assign nine 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 255. 11111110. 00000000 = 255. 255. 254. 0 Host bits = 9 or 9 bits available for host addresses. Hosts = 2^9 - 2 = 510. Subnet bits = 7 or 7 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^7 = 128. For 110 subnets and 300 hosts, we would assign 255. 255. 254. 0 subnet mask. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 254. 0
Example 7:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 70 subnets with up to 300 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?Solution:
Class B addresses use a default mask of 300 hosts would need 9 bits of host = 23 bits of network (32 - 9 = 23) Subnet Number would be = 16 - 9 = 7 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 255. 00000000. 00000000 For 300 hosts, assign nine 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 255. 11111110. 00000000 = 255. 255. 254. 0 Host bits = 9 or 9 bits available for host addresses. Hosts = 2^9 - 2 = 510. Subnet bits = 7 or 7 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^7 = 128. For 70 subnets and 300 hosts, we would assign 255. 255. 254. 0 subnet mask. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 254. 0
Example 8:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 90 subnets with up to 300 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?Solution:
Class B addresses use a default mask of 300 hosts would need 9 bits of host = 23 bits of network (32 - 9 = 23) Subnet Number would be = 16 - 9 = 7 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 255. 00000000. 00000000 For 300 hosts, assign nine 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 255. 11111110. 00000000 = 255. 255. 254. 0 Host bits = 9 or 9 bits available for host addresses. Hosts = 2^9 - 2 = 510. Subnet bits = 7 or 7 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^7 = 128. For 120 subnets and 300 hosts, we would assign 255. 255. 254. 0 subnet mask. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 254. 0
Example 9:
Your network consists of 120 subnets, with a maximum number of 300 hosts per subnet. With a Class B address, which subnet mask will support this network?Solution:
Class B addresses use a default mask of 300 hosts would need 9 bits of host = 23 bits of network (32 - 9 = 23) Subnet Number would be = 16 - 9 = 7 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 255. 00000000. 00000000 For 300 hosts, assign nine 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 255. 11111110. 00000000 = 255. 255. 254. 0 Host bits = 9 or 9 bits available for host addresses. Hosts = 2^9 - 2 = 510. Subnet bits = 7 or 7 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^7 = 128. Number of hosts possible = 510. Number of subnets possible = 128. For 120 subnets and 300 hosts, we would assign 255. 255. 254. 0 subnet mask. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 254. 0
Example 10:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 300 subnets with up to 100 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?Solution:
Class B addresses use a default mask of 100 hosts would need 7 bits of host = 25 bits of network (32 - 7 = 25) Subnet Number would be = 16 - 7 = 9 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 255. 00000000. 00000000 For 100 hosts, assign seven 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 255. 11111111. 10000000 = 255. 255. 255. 128 Subnet bits = 9 or 9 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^9 = 512. Host bits = 7 or 7 bits available for host addresses. Hosts = 2^7 - 2 = 126. Number of hosts possible = 126. Number of subnets possible = 512. For 300 subnets and 100 hosts, we would assign 255. 255. 255. 128 subnet mask. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 255. 128
Example 11:
If you had a class B address of, which mask would you use to provide a maximum of 220 hosts with more than 190 subnets?Solution:
Class B addresses use a default mask of 220 hosts would need 8 bits of host = 24 bits of network (32 - 8 = 24) Subnet Number would be = 16 - 8 = 8 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 255. 00000000. 00000000 For 220 hosts, assign eight 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 255. 11111111. 00000000 = 255. 255. 255. 0 Subnet bits = 8 or 8 bits available in the third octet for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^8 = 256. Host bits = 8 or 8 bits available in the forth octet for host addresses. Hosts = 2^8 - 2 = 254. For 190 subnets and 220 hosts, we would assign 255. 255. 255. 0 subnet mask. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 255. 0
Example 12:
You need to have a Class B network address subnetted into exactly 500 subnets each with about 100 usable host addresses per subnet. What subnet mask would you assign?Solution:
Class B addresses use a default mask of 100 hosts would need 7 bits of host = 25 bits of network (32 - 7 = 25) Subnet Number would be = 16 - 7 = 9 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 255. 00000000. 00000000 For 100 hosts, assign seven 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 255. 11111111. 10000000 = 255. 255. 255. 128 Subnet bits = 9 or 9 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^9 = 512. Host bits = 7 or 7 bits available in the forth octet for host addresses. Hosts = 2^7 - 2 = 126. For 100 usable host addresses per subnet, we would assign 255. 255. 255. 128 subnet mask.
Class C
Example 13:
You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 4 subnets with up to 30 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use?Solution:
Class C addresses use a default mask of 30 hosts would need 5 bits of host = 27 bits of network (32 - 5 = 27) Subnet Number would be = 8 - 5 = 3 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 255. 255. 00000000 For 30 hosts, assign five 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 255. 255. 11100000 = 255. 255. 255. 224 Host bits = 5 or 5 bits available for host addresses. Hosts = 2^5 - 2 = 30. Subnet bits = 3 or 3 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^3 = 8. For 4 subnets and 30 hosts, we would assign 255. 255. 255. 224 subnet mask. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 255. 224
Example 14:
You are a network administrator and have been assigned the IP address of You need to have 20 subnets with 5 hosts per subnet. What subnet mask will you use?Solution:
Class C addresses use a default mask of 5 hosts would need 3 bits of host = 29 bits of network (32 - 5 = 27) Subnet Number would be = 8 - 3 = 5 bits. Subnet mask = 255. 255. 255. 00000000 For 5 hosts, assign three 0s from right side. New subnet mask = 255. 255. 255. 11111000 = 255. 255. 255. 248 Host bits = 3 or 3 bits available for host addresses. Hosts = 2^3 - 2 = 6. Subnet bits = 5 or 5 bits available for subnet addresses. Subnets = 2^5 = 32. For 20 subnets and 5 hosts, we would assign 255. 255. 255. 248 subnet mask. The best mask for this network = 255. 255. 255. 248
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